
Can I Delete Adobe Camera Raw Cache Files

What are ACR cached .dat files? Delete them?

digitall • Senior Fellow member • Posts: two,223

What are ACR cached .dat files? Delete them?

I've just found nearly 1Gb of .dat files in the Adobe Camera Raw Cache binder. Each is exactly 4,336 KB in size and, for some obscure reason, are listed as NeroMediaPlayer media files. Any thought what they are for and whether they tin can exist safely deleted?

The file is under C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application Data\Adobe\CameraRaw\Cache.

Any advice on this would be appreciated. Past the manner, I don't need to relieve whatsoever prototype adjustments in ACR.

BeachnCruz • Senior Fellow member • Posts: 2,034

Right click on ane of them and change the default of what information technology will "open up with".

Nero is showing because it is currently set as the default program for opening them. Dumping the cache should not hurt anything in this instance...if you desire to exist extra careful well-nigh the cache dump save a backup set up of the specific enshroud you are talking near in a split binder until you have dumped the original enshroud you are referring to. In one case successfully dumped with no negative impact....get ahead and dump the backup folder.....

Re: What are ACR cached .dat files? Delete them?

Yeah, they tin be safely deleted. You lot can delete them manually or from the 'Camera Raw Preferences' dialog ('Purge Cache') in Bridge. You can also set the size of the cache in this dialog, the default being i.0 GB.



Re: What are ACR buried .dat files? Delete them?

As others have said you CAN delete them Just if you do when y'all get to a folder in Span that has RAW images in it Bridge/ARC will just recreate them. Those files are created and then Span can display RAW photographic camera files. Deleting them will save you some space on your drive BUT it will also cost you some time for Bridge/ARC to recreate them when you get dorsum to look at these images.

Personally I have my Bridge/ARC cache set up to four GB. Of course I accept tons of unused space on my difficult drives.

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OP digitall • Senior Member • Posts: 2,223

Re: What are ACR cached .dat files? Delete them?

Cheers so much to all of y'all for your help! I've taken your advice and moved the cache to my larger HDD as my C drive is simply 13GB (that'southward not a error!). Now I tin permit more space for my ACR cache without worrying.

Edward Chatlos wrote:

Equally others have said yous Tin delete them But if you do when y'all go
to a folder in Bridge that has RAW images in information technology Bridge/ARC will
just recreate them. Those files are created so Bridge tin brandish
RAW photographic camera files. Deleting them will save you some infinite on your
drive BUT it will also price you some time for Span/ARC to
recreate them when yous go back to wait at these images.
Personally I take my Span/ARC cache ready to iv GB. Of form I have
tons of unused space on my hard drives.

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