
Where Do Therapists Hide Their Cameras?

Hidden Camera Blog Post

I don't know what to make of this – It's like my clients are talking amongst themselves.

Is at that place a memo going effectually that I never got my hands on?

Or worse withal, did someone have a hidden camera installed in my office that I am not aware of?

How is this happening?

It was one those weeks just a few weeks back. I don't have to wreck my brain to retrieve that it was at least three different couples who walked in with THE verbal same issue that calendar week.

What was it, yous enquire?


What? Driving?

Yep, that's right – Transporting themselves (and/or other family members) from location A to location B. And how that acquired problems.

For some of them it's been happening for decades. For some, the annoyance was brand new.

And I am not talking about the 'My married woman drives me nuts' kind of driving.

Just to be clear.

Nope – two wheels in the forepart, ii wheels in the back (let'due south not get besides technical near information technology).

Hidden Photographic camera –  How driving comes up in therapy sessions

Question Driving

See for yourselves.

Exhibit A:

"He drives too fast, I am not comfortable with it.

And it's because we leave late everywhere go.

Heaven forbid we would ONCE brand it on time.

And not have to go 20 miles over the speed limit.

It's our KIDS in the back seat, for crying out loud!

Don't you get that?

And don't even get me started on all the speeding tickets you lot got just in the final couple of years.

It'due south like the older you become, the more risky and stupid y'all behave."

Subconscious Camera – Exhibit B:

"Going from one common location to some other, I told her when we would become at that place.

She was on board with information technology. All is well.

We had plenty of time.

I know how to go in that location.

And however, the whole way down, she keeps pointing this way and that, telling me what to do: motility into this lane.

Nosotros'll get in that location faster if you have this get out.

At this fourth dimension of day, lane 10 is unpredictable – we should have avoided this whole road to begin with.

Yous never drive this during traffic, how would you know?"

Subconscious Photographic camera – Showroom C:

"This is sort of an emergency, y'all would agree, right?

We are driving the mother in law to the ER, she is  not feeling well, she tin barely breathe – Mind you lot, nosotros don't know what'south wrong.

She is sitting in the back seat, literally semi-unconscious.

And she (read wife) insists on driving.

I am telling her, she is in the right frame of mind to bulldoze.

It's like driving herSELF to the ER.

But she doesn't listen.

Then, we take a red plough where there is a NO Plow ON RED sign.

I ignore it.

I know she is stressed out.

I don't say anything as she is speeding off at 75 mph on a 55 road.

But then, what bankrupt the camel's back – She takes a left plow on a red lite through 2 lanes of traffic.

And I lose it.

I offered to drive.

I offered to call an ambulance.

I even said we could just get a cab – just then we don't accept a way to drive back dwelling.

And and so, instead of existence supportive, calm and collected, I am freaking out and yelling at my wife until she drives herself and her mom to the ER, and I drive the car into the parking garage."

With the final occurrence, earlier they are even done telling me what happened, I literally express mirth out loud. (And of course, I let them finish.)

And, then as not to make things awkward, I tell them why.

They laugh with me.

At that place must take been something in the h2o.

What are the chances? Right???

Hidden Camera – Yeah or NO?

And so, we talked through it.

We looked at what was driving them ðŸ™‚ into this. And, we did a feedback wheel, like I always do in a situation similar this, remembering to focus in on 2 things:

  1. Why is this bothering you?
    ii. What would you lot like to ask your spouse instead?

They did well.

There is ever a solution.

You but take to be open to it and heed. And outset the process by speaking up.

And, for the record: NO, there is no hidden camera in my function.

Information technology's just life's style of beingness funny sometimes.


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